Thursday, October 24, 2002

Had a midterm in my Animal Behavior class today. I feel an "A" coming on for that test!!! One complaint though - professors have to make tests more complicated than they should be?? I'm talking about the handing-out and turning-in part. The way it SHOULD be done is to have the prof and TA's go by each row, and give that row exactly how many tests/scantrons it needs. But this time they just handed a pile to random rows and let them direct the flow of papers to the other rows. NOT an efficient way to do it. The entire time they were continually asking if people did not have their scantrons/tests, and people were continually telling them that their row needed more. C'mon people, lets hand these things out so that everybody gets one. Test sessions don't need to be that complicated.

In other news, I can feel winter approaching . . .

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