Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday's Feast - 3/23/07

Have another feast:

Appetizer - Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why?

I think I prefer John Fisher (Fisher? Fischer?) from local KEZI news. He's the weather guy, but he also likes gardening and is kind of a hippie. He's a cool guy.

Soup - Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.

Hot pockets, bread, various wrapped meats of some kind.

Salad - If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?

New Oshkosh. Just because.

Main Course - What will most likely be the next book you read?

Whatever it is, it will be much shorter than the one I'm reading now!

Dessert - What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?

Other than the fact they're the opposite gender? I think I notice their hair first. Women usually have great looking hair.

1 comment:

Joseph C. Harris said...

There was a time in my life where I lived off of Hot pockets so I can definately get where you are coming from there. Good feast. Mine is up.