Sunday, June 03, 2007

Random Ten - 6/3/07

Time for Random Ten!

10 songs that sum up your weekend...or were on your weekend playlist...and one picture that relates back. (oh, and if you feel like it, tell us why you picked the songs you did)

1) Altan - Donal Agus Morag
2) Altan - McFarley's/Mill na Maidi
3-28) Love by The Beatles

Why did I do the above, you ask? Because the Love album is really one big, long, flowing Beatles experience. It's meant to be listened to from start to finish.

I really don't have a picture this week. We'll see what next week brings.

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I agree with you on Love. It's also an album that doesn't really do well on an mp3 player that's constantly on shuffle.

Have a great week.