Friday, February 01, 2008

Friday's Feast - 2/1/08


Appetizer - What is your favorite kind of cereal?

I don't really eat cereal anymore, but you can't go wrong with Frosted Flakes. Yum!

Soup - When was the last time you purchased something for your home, what was it, and in which room did it go?

Isn't everything I purchase for my home? Everything I buy ends up there eventually.

Salad - What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?

I can remember these commercials for some internet service where normal folks would act like wild animals. That was pretty funny. I also enjoyed the Lipton Rice (I think that was the brand) commercials with Mr. T and Little Richard.

Main Course - Make up a name for a company by using a spice and an animal (example: Cinnamon Monkey).

Paprika Jaguar

Dessert - Fill in the blank: I haven’t ______ since ______.

I haven't had a function digital camera since last November (that must change this year!)

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