Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday Music Mambo - 2/4/08

Today is Soup Day at the Mambo:

1. It's a well-known idea that chicken soup makes you feel better when you're sick. What artist makes you feel better when you're not feeling well?

The Beatles always cheer me up, no matter how I'm feeling.

2. Soups can be made from very diverse ingredients that somehow work well together. Name a band, duo, or any other combination that brings diverse people together into one great musical soup.

Other than the obvious Afro Celt Sound System, I'll mention Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Who would have imagined those two collaborating? And well?!

3a. Creamy soups are popular for use in many dishes. Cream was one of the best blues rock groups of the 60s. What song do you like better - "Sunshine Of Your Love" or "White Room"? Tell us why you like that song better than the other.

I prefer "Sunshine Of Your Love" because of Clapton's excellent solo. It's probably my favorite guitar solo of all time. He's not playing a million notes per minute, but he's making every note that he does play count for something.

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