Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday's Feast - 4/25/08

Feasting begins now:

Appetizer - Name something you would categorize as weird.

David Byrne.

Soup - What color was the last piece of food you ate?

White and red - pizza!

Salad - On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy being alone?

Probably 7-8. I like being by myself.

Main Course - Fill in the blank: I will _________ vote for ___________ in _______.

I will not vote for John McCain in 2008.

Dessert - Describe your sleeping habits.

They're pretty consistent: Off to bed between midnight and 1 AM, up around 9-10. Sometimes I may go to bed later and get up later. Occasionally I'll get up earlier, depending on what I have to do that day.

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