Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Music Mambo - 7/28/08

Today is Hamburger Day, and the Mambo is celebrating:

Pick a musician and create a hamburger inspired by him or her. For example, you might make a burger with Italian ingredients for Frank Sinatra.

Today, I think I'll create a Jeff Buckley burger. Jeff was born in California, so maybe this should be a slightly healthier burger. Veggie burger? Maybe. I think I'll go for chicken instead. He was bor in Anaheim, so one could add a roasted Anaheim pepper if one desired.

He later lived in NYC, so let's add something good from that city to this burger. Pastrami, maybe? Or a good Kosher pickle.

Jeff's family is Irish, so let's add some Irish cheddar on top. We could also add a rasher of bacon, but that wouldn't go well with pastrami, would it?

Jeff spent his final days in Memphis. Maybe a little BBQ sauce would be good as a spread. Or you could do as Memphis-folk do and add some coleslaw on top.

So, here's the Jeff Buckley burger:

Chicken burger topped with . . .

Irish cheddar
BBQ sauce

I'd eat that!

1 comment:

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

NOM NOM NOM! [burbs, and looks up, embarrassed...] Absolutely scrummy burger.

Mal :)