Friday, September 05, 2008

Friday 5 - 9/5/08

Today's 5 is orange!

1. What’s your favorite orange-colored food?

Probably orange juice or orange soda.

2. What’s the best way to drink orange juice?

Fresh-squeezed, with a big stack of pancakes and a few strips of bacon.

3. Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best?

I don't usually eat multi-colored candy, but orange Skittles are pretty good.

4. What are your feelings about orange soda?

I enjoy it! The best I've had? I'm thinking Mountain Dew Livewire. That's some good stuff.

5. When did you last wear an orange item of clothing?

Do I own an orange item of clothing? I can't think of one. In this part of Oregon, orange is pretty much forbidden.

1 comment:

ShannonW said...

Personally I think orange is a horrible color to wear LOL

I want pancakes now :)