Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday 5 - 11/14/08

Here's the five:

1. When did you last use the edge of a coin (or a knife blade) as a screwdriver?

I don't usually need a screwdriver, so I can't remember the last time this happened.

2. When did you last use a wire coat-hanger to break into a car?

Never. I don't have a car, and I certainly don't steal them.

3. When did you last use food or drink as medication?

Chocolate is my "happy pill."

4. When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight?

Last year. I was out camping, and my flashlight died. That was a lifesaver!

5. When did you last use a paper clip for any purpose other than to clip paper?

I probably used it to clean something out sometime in the past year.

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