Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Viva La Prospekt

Today, I picked up a copy of Coldplay's new E.P. Prospekt's March. These are songs that were left off the Viva La Vida album, plus a few reworkings of songs off that album.

I haven't heard it too many times yet, but I do really like the brand new songs. Coldplay is making some great stuff lately.

Jay-Z is an interesting addition to "Lost," but I don't think "Lost+" is something I'll listen to very much. The new version of "Lovers In Japan" is slightly different, but not by much. They should have made it much more psychedelic.

If you're a Coldplay fan, pick this up. If you're curious, you might try buying the Viva La Vida/Prospekt's March combo edition that includes the E.P. with the L.P. I think the brand new songs from the E.P. complement the songs from Viva La Vida quite well.

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