Friday, March 05, 2010

Top Five On Friday - 3/5/10

It's Friday:

Top 5 concert experiences

1)  The first 'real' concert I attended.  It was in 2000, in Portland, and I saw three famous Scandinavian folk acts on one bill.  There was JPP, Annbjørg Lien and Vasen.  These performers rarely come to the states, so that was a special treat.

2)  My first time seeing BeauSoleil.  I think this was also in 2000.  It was an all-day festival, and I also saw Darol Anger, Mark O'Connor and Vasser Clements.  BeauSoleil was the last act of the night, and I remember the anticipation and the excitement I felt when I finally saw them play.  Also, it was a beautiful summer day.

3)  My first time meeting BeauSoleil.  I'm forgetting the year, but I think it was 2005.  It was an honor to meet Michael Doucet and the rest of the band.  I won't go into details, but I made a slight fool of myself. 

4)  Seeing Keri Noble in a very small venue.  There were maybe 30 people there.  It was a local pizza place/coffee shop.  My buddy and I went and sat in the front row.  Keri was right in front of me.  Keri still hasn't become too famous, but it was nice seeing her perform and meeting her after the show. 

5)  Los Lobos in 2006.  They made a fan of me that very night.

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Have I mentioned I'm jealous of you getting to see Keri? She just can't seem to get a Pittsburgh date scheduled :(