Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Last night I saw the hit movie Spiderman 2. Great flick!! It has both seat-gripping action and emotional character-driven scenes, making it quite unlike your typical comic book movie. For those who have seen the first Spiderman movie and liked it, I will say that the sequel continues themes from the first one that were unresolved. No, I'm not going to say whether they are resolved in the new movie lol. A couple other points about Spiderman 2:

- The new villian, Doctor Otto "Doc Ock" Octavius, is a HUGE improvement over the Green Goblin (although I must give Willem Dafoe credit for his always excellent acting in the first one). Why is that, you ask? Because Doc Ock does not wear a mask, and so actual acting ability comes into play the entire movie. Alfred Molina does a GREAT job with the character, both evil and good, and you may even find yourself liking him. Without giving anything away, I'll just say that the character is not pure evil. In the movie, Dr. Octavius is a good man who is driven to evil due to circumstances beyond his control. Not only that, but the mechanical arms are actors in themselves!! Very good job with the mechanical arms.

- One particular sequence, which takes place on/inside an elevated train, is probably the best action sequence I've ever seen. EVER. This includes anything from any of the Matrix movies, which I happen to love. I promise that you will be on the edge of your seat, and quite possibly OUT of your seat, by the time you find out what happens on that train.

So, in conclusion, I highly recommend Spiderman 2 for your movie viewing.

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