Friday, February 02, 2007

February Music Purchases

I made it through January without buying a single CD, so I rewarded such dedication with a trip to CD World today for some new music. I timed it just right, because they're having a sale this week. I think they have sales when they're turning over the stock, because I notice their selection is usually smaller and less comprehensive during the sales. The big one I was looking for was "All Things Must Pass" by George Harrison. They didn't have it today! Luckily, though, they did have Pete Yorn's new album "Nightcrawler," and used at that! I paid a mere six dollars for it with the discount.

After deciding on that, I had to figure out what else I wanted. I always like to buy more than one thing, so I had many choices. Thankfully I brought my List with me, so I wasn't buying blind. I decided on "The Best Of Santana," which I've seen before on sale but no longer. It was on sale today with everything else, though, but not as cheap as the other times I've seen it discounted.

No matter. I walked out of there with two CDs for just under $20 total. Not too bad! I'll wait until March to seek out the George Harrison album. I could have bought "Living In The Material World," but I want to start with the debut.

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