Friday, February 02, 2007

Top Five On Friday

Maybe this should be called the Bottom Five On Friday, just for today:

Top 5 songs that you consider "stinkbombs" (Bonus points for you if you don't use songs by any pop tart or boyband)

I accept the challenge!

1) "Black" by Pete Yorn.

Black is a cast
And two is a crowd
And gold rim is an answer

Huh?? What are you talking about there, Petey?

2) "Lily (My One And Only)" by Smashing Pumpkins. Billy Corgan's horrible attempt at country music. Good thing he put it on the double album, where such songs often belong.

3) "Trilby's Piano" by The Who. I believe this one contains an Anti-Semetic epithet. It's supposed to be a person's name, but even so it turns me off. And the song just isn't that great anyway.

4) "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins. No, Trace! No!

5) "Run For Your Life" by The Beatles. Yeah, I'm gonna go there. Instead of enjoying the song, you just feel sorry for the poor girl who's being threatened. I'm sure the lyrics were meant to be a joke, but domestic violence is never funny.

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Run For Your Life is truly a creepy song and only Lennon would write it.