Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday's Feast - 3/2/07

Feast time!

Appetizer - What does the color pink make you think of?

It makes me think of women.

Soup - Name something you thought you had lost, but later found.

I once thought our dog had escaped from the yard, but I later found her. I don't know where she was hiding, but I was worried.

Salad - In 3 words, describe this past week.

Cold and wet.

Main Course - What are you obsessed with?

Music. And blog memes, apparently.

Dessert - What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear?

Eau de nada.


JHS said...

"Eau de nada." Bahahahaha! That's hysterical. Love it.

Unknown said...

thanks for the smile..wonderful answers..mine is up!