Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday's Feast - 4/13/07

Just one meme today - the Top Five On Friday was about lyrics, and I'm no good at remembering lyrics. Here's the Friday's Feast:

Appetizer - When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite?

I have no clue! I probably enjoyed the bright blue ones. Who doesn't like bright blue?

Soup - On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move?

Probably a 2 at this point. I like living where I am, and I don't have the resources to move.

Salad - Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total?

The total is 57. My birthday is 4/23/1980, and you must be joking if you think I'm posting my phone number online.

Main Course - Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to?

I did pass along some CDs that were burned for me to someone else, but only because I already had them in my record collection.

Dessert - Name something you need from the store.

Pizza crusts, so I can make lunch for next week.


alisonwonderland said...

happy friday!

JHS said...

Oh, pizza sounds delicious. Wish you hadn't posted them . . . I'm trying to be good! I ate way too much in NYC and have been having trouble getting back on the program since I got home.

My feast is served!

Joseph C. Harris said...

Great feast this week. I picked blue as my favorite color, but only basic blue. My feast is now up.