Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Take Me Back Tuesday - 4/10/07

Take Me Back Tuesday is getting friendly today:

Do you have any friends online or otherwise that you share similar musical tastes with?

Yes, I do! My online friend Beth shares many of my musical tastes; there's not much that I like that she doesn't (not quite true the other way around, though). My online friend Jess shares some of my musical tastes, but not as many as Beth. My not-online friend Mike shares a lot of my tastes too. I don't think there are too many bands or musicians I've played for him that he didn't like.

Have you ever made a new friend because of a band that you both like?

I don't think I ever have! I'm sure the people who listen to the bands I like are cool, though.

What's the best musical gift you were ever given by a friend and in return...what is the best musical gift (IYO) that you've given a friend.

It wasn't a gift, but my friend Jess allowed me to purchase a bunch of CDs that she didn't want. These included The Beatles, Fiona Apple and Dido.

The best musical gift I've ever given a friend was a copy of Volume 3: Further In Time by Afro Celt Sound System to Beth. She loved it, as I knew she would.

Pick one of your friends...and tell us a few songs that remind you of them...and tell us why you picked those songs.

I pick Beth.

"Once I Was" by Tim Buckley, because she absolutely loves this song and it has meaning for her.

"Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley. Beth recommended this song to me, and now I'm a big fan of Jeff.

"Changes" by David Bowie because she's a huge Bowie fan.

"Shine" by David Gray because that's another of her favorite songs.

I could go on and on, but I won't.


The Mistress of the Dark said...

How could you not want a Beatles CD? Hmmm Baffling.

Jeff said...

I meet a lot of people because of music because the majority of the clothes I wear has my favorite bands on them which I guess is a good way to meet friends, lol.