Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New feature - Pond Prompts

Lately I've been re-dedicating myself to this whole blogging thing. In the past two years, I've relied on memes for content far too often (over 800 meme posts so far, according to my label count). I'm sure my readers want to hear my own voice and see my own creativity. I want to do better, and right now I'm trying to make an effort to do just that.

I was pondering ways to create blog content today, and so I searched for online blog prompt sites. I found a good one: Imagination Prompt Generator. On occasion, I'll do one or two of these prompts to give you more of me. I know I used to go to a site that had interesting questions for blogs, but it ended. I want to get back to that sort of thing.

I may even revive the short-lived 'blog roundup' feature. If I don't find anything interesting in my usual blog circles, I may look at others' blogrolls and surf around.

You know, I'm realizing now that features are a good way to fill up this here blog. I need to think of more. It seems to work for Scooter McGavin.

*post-script* When I do the online prompts, I will go no farther than five clicks. If I don't like what was given in the first five, I will choose the one I like the best.

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