Sunday, September 16, 2007


I'm not sure if this is my fault or VH1's. I think both share the blame.

Tonight, while scouring Bloglines for anything interesting, I noticed that the VH1 Blog made an update. I clicked on the feed name, which gave me a headline (and nothing more, mind you) telling me - the outcome of tonight's "Rock Of Love" episode!

Yes, it's my fault for clicking on an update for a VH1 blog before I watched a VH1 show. However, it's also VH1's fault for spoiling the episode in the headline! That's like writing about Empire Strikes Back with the headline 'Luke finds out Darth Vader is his father.' Yeah, yeah, I know it's just a little reality show, but trust me, this is a result that would have genuinely shocked the hell out of me. It was not what I was expecting, and now that anticipation, that sense of "what just happened?!" will not be there when I watch the show tonight.

Just complaining out loud, folks. Forget you ever read this, and go read my more interesting posts, please.

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