Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Mind Hump - 9/19/07

Arrr! It's Talk Like A Pirate Day at ye olde Wednesday Mind Hump:

Get thee to the following website: and translate one of your blog posts, or part of one, into pirate-speak! Then post it so we can all read it.

I think I'll translate my art museum musings from this post:

A trip t' th' Art Museum makes me feel...

Awed by th' creativity o' others. I may nay like or understand each an' ever' piece I view, but I can at least respect th' time an' effort spent creatin' th' art. I be especially amazed by details - th' more detailed a piece be, th' more I enjoy 't. Art be nay jus' about creativity, but discipline. Ye must be havin' a great amount o' discipline an' focus t' spend tides, moons, or e'en voyages creatin' a fantastically detailed piece o' art.

Art museums make me put th' non-verbal part o' me mind t' use. I enjoy simply lookin' at everythin', tryin' t' form a swabbieal feelin' about what I be seein'. I`ll occasionally read th' description o' a piece t' find ou' more about its creation or meanin', but more often I will jus' let th' art speak fer itself. Art be swabbieal, an' by viewin' art I be able t' get in touch wi' me own creativity. I be able t' allow myself t' form me own opinion o' somethin', good or bad, based on th' feelings I get while lookin' at all th' pieces.

There's something wrong about the idea of pirates getting inspired by art museums.

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