Sunday, March 09, 2008

Random Ten - 3/9/08

Ready for a Random Ten?

10 songs that sum up your weekend...or were on your weekend playlist...and one picture that relates back. (oh, and if you feel like it, tell us why you picked the songs you did)

1) Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation - Shine It All Around
2) No Doubt - Sixteen
3) Jeff Buckley - Sweet Thing
4) Gaelic Storm - Leaving Of Liverpool
5) BeauSoleil - Ma Vie S'est Arretee
6) The Band - The Weight
7) The Clash - Clampdown
8) Vanessa Carlton - Unsung
9) The Jayhawks - You Look So Young

SONG OF THE WEEK: "Revolution Rock" by The Clash. I watched the documentary with the same name this weekend, and it was quite good!

Here is one of the better photos I took last week:

Willamette Hall Windows

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I love the sunlight in that picture. My cameras have run away from home because of lack of use lately :(