Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why Is This News?

Apparently genealogists have "discovered" that Hillary Clinton is related to Angelina Jolie and Barack Obama is related to Brad Pitt (For those reading 50 years from now - Clinton and Obama were the Democratic contenders for the 2008 Presidential election.)

Who cares?

I ask again, who cares??

I hope no one actually got paid to find this information. That's about as useless as it gets. Our political process has been American Idol-ized enough as it is. Knowing what famous celebrity the candidates are related to is not going to help anyone figure out who to vote for. I sincerely hope it won't. I sincerely hope no one actually thinks this information is important.

Why is this news?

(If I find enough examples of the above, I may make this a regular feature.)

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