Thursday, November 06, 2008

I'm here

I'm going to get a post in today no matter what.

  • I've been working on an Obama-themed playlist. Hint: many songs about change. I was going to work on it some more today, but I got sidetracked. I'm aiming for about 15 songs.
  • I'm slowly coming down with a cold. It's not too bad now, but I can feel it there, waiting to pounce.
  • I'm ready for the weekend. I will spend much time reading.
  • I'm hoping to buy a new CD next week. I'm thinking something with awesome guitar playing. Perhaps the new David Gilmour live album, or some Stevie Ray Vaughan. Maybe I'll even randomly buy something from the Blues section.
  • Barack Obama is on the ball! It seems he's been very busy in the last two days. He's not wasting a moment with the transition. Lately I've wondered what it's like to be President-elect on day one. I don't know if he slept at all after Tuesday evening, but if he did, what was it like to wake up and think 'I'm going to be President'? No matter what he did that day, he did it at our next president. Even flossing would seem more dignified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi -- I read your other "on the eve of voting post". You said is so well.

I voted for Barack also mostly for my Children's future and his health care/education plan. Really that NCLB act needs to be fixed!

Chris Rock and Ben Stiller were on the Today show last week and Chris was asked if he had any Barack jokes. Chris was stunned and said something like, "Who has jokes about someone with great personal integrity? Do you hear jokes about Will Smith?"

I think that is one of the great things about Barack -- people need to be responsible for themselves.
Personal integrity is important for a strong country. No more blame games.

I also think he relates MORE to more people of any age grouup and he is a great inspiration to those who have little or nothing seeing what he made of himself in the same situation.

Sorry to ramble on. But I did like what you wrote.
High Five and a gold star!