Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday's Feast:

Appetizer - Whose intelligence do you find intimidating?
I always felt intimidated in college classes. I envied those students who had the guts to go toe to toe with the professors and were quick enough to think of a million different questions as the lecture was going on.

Soup - Name something you've done that surprised yourself.
I managed to survive in the house by myself for 12 days this month. THAT was a bit surprising!

Salad - List 3 people whom you have only "met" online, but consider good friends.
My good friends Jessica and Beth are (so far) online-only friends. I could mention many others in the third spot, but I think I'll mention Karen since she's read my blog longer than most people.

Main Course - Where is the dirtiest place you've ever been?
Are we talking filthiest, or actual dirt? Filthiest would probably be the dormitory bathrooms in college. Dirtiest as far as dirt would be any of the many camping areas we've been to in my life.

Dessert - What is the best example of "perfection" that you can think of?
I don't think anything is really perfect, but I'd have to say that Mother Earth comes pretty darn close.


Karen said...

Aww! Thanks for that! I enjoy reading your blog!! Have a great weekend! *hugs*

Webmiztris said...

perfection? I was thinking 'pizza', but yeah, I guess mother earth is a good answer too. ;)

Russ said...

Pizza would only be perfect if it helped you LOSE weight lol.