Sunday, May 22, 2005

I listened to Taarka's performance earlier on the radio. I first saw the group at the folk festival two years ago and was amazed. Their performance today was definitely up there with the best I've heard. They sounded very fresh and energetic and their solos were just awesome. They should really put out a live album.

Right now I'm listening to the last act of the festival, New Monsoon. It sounds like they mix bluegrass, rock and "world beat" and I'm rather enjoying their music. I suppose I do wish I had gone, but at least I get to hear it on the radio. It sounds even better on the radio than live anyhow, so maybe this isn't so bad. I am glad that I got to go at least one day this year, however. I'll definitely be out there again next year, if I can.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sorry you weren't able to go yesterday, I hope your feet are feeling better! Take care! *hugs*