Friday, July 23, 2010

Top Five On Friday (and more) – 7/23/10

I’m going to do the Tuesday Tunes as well as the Top Five today.  I need to catch up.

Tell us about the WORST concert experience you ever had.

I think the worst I’ve concert experience for me was the time I saw a band-not-to-be-named (because I’m too nice) and they started playing an hour and a half after the show was scheduled to start.  Normally that wouldn’t be too much of a problem (except the boredom of waiting), but I was to be given a ride home only an hour after the band actually started.  I didn’t get to see that much of the show.  I was disappointed!

Top 5 songs you think of when you hear the word "old"

1)  “Love Me Do” by The Beatles
2)  “Hound Dog” by Elvis
3)  “In The Mood” by the Benny Goodman Orchestra
4)  “I’m Going Home” from the Cold Mountain soundtrack
5)  “If I Had My Way” by Robert Randolph and the Family Band


Charlie said...

"In The Mood" was by Glenn Miller's Orchestra. Perhaps you are thinking of "Sing Sing, Sing" which was by Goodman.

Russ said...

Oops, got my band leaders mixed up.