Friday, January 31, 2003

FINALLY, here is this week's This or That:

Same Thing, Different Names
1. Kleenex or tissue? Kleenex usually.
2. Soda or pop (or tonic or whatever)? Pop!
3. A sandwich on a long roll: sub or hero (or hoagie or grinder, etc)? Sub.
4. Glasses or spectacles? Glasses.
5. TV or television (or boob-tube, or telly, for our friends across the pond)? TV.
6. Movie or film? Movie.
7. Sofa or couch? Couch.
8. Stove or range? Stove.
9. Remote control or clicker? Remote Control. Usually preceded by "where the hell is the...".
10. Supermarket or grocery store? Grocery Store.

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