Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Hey everyone. It's that time again! Time for Take Me Back Tuesday:

It's all about MTV!

Who are the first Mtv VJs that you can remember?

I think the first one I remember is Kurt Loder. I can't believe he's still working for them. He's probably old enough to be the grandfather for some of the kids watching it now.

Name 3 tv shows that aired on Mtv. (were any of them actually music related?)

Beavis and Butthead, Yo! MTV Raps, and Pimp My Ride. Yeah, they're basically music related.

What bands do you think would be nothing without Mtv?

Britney Spears, NSync, Backstreet Boys, groups like that. Pop groups thrive on mass exposure through shows like TRL and flashy music videos. Another group that definitely would be nothing without MTV is *gag* Limp Bizkit. It baffles me why they were even popular on MTV at all.


What is your favorite music video?

I think my favorite music video, off the top of my head, is Fatboy Slim's "Weapon Of Choice." Does it get any better than Christopher Walken dancing around in an empty hotel? Honorable mention to Smashing Pumpkins' "Tonight Tonight" and Jeff Buckley's "Grace."

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Christopher Walken was great in Madonna's Bad Girl video too. He played the angel of death.

Thanks for playing :)