Monday, May 16, 2005

This is my first Monday Music Mambo post! Yeah, I know what you're thinking, another meme. Well it's my blog and I'll do as many memes as I wish!

Today's Celebrate the Day: Face Day
That's right, it's all about "the face". What's all about the face? Heck, we don't know. However, we did work that into today's Mambo. Ready? One, two, three, four ... one, two, three, four ...

Step One

Can't face the music ...
Which artist do you think has the perfect face for radio?

Well, if that means they're ugly, then I think Lou Reed has the perfect radio face! I'd much rather hear him sing than look at him lol.

Step Two The face behind the voice ...

First you heard them and then you saw them -- ever been surprised to see an artist after you heard them? Or viceversa -- you saw them and then you were
shocked by their voice? Tell us who.

When you hear Joss Stone sing, you'd think she's a forty year old, sassy black woman from the south or something. But she's not. She's a white teenage girl from Britain with long blonde hair. I mean, how does a girl like THAT end up with a voice like THAT?

Step Three On the face of the album ...
Many album covers are works of art. Which album cover or covers do you find particularly appealing? For a little extra fun, Google it and link the image to your answer.

Many of the covers from Northside Records (which sells music from Scandinavia) are extremely pretty and vivid. Another cover that will be timeless is the cover of Jeff Buckley's "Grace." Elvis Costello's "When I Was Cruel" is just plain interesting. The Smashing Pumpkins had some great covers too. I could go on, but I think I'll stop there.

Step Four Face to face -- duets ...

What's your favorite duet song and artists? If they haven't already, which two artists do you wish would record a duet?

Ehhh, I don't really listen to too many duets. One that I love, though, is k.d. lang and Roy Orbison singing "Crying." That's an amazing song. Another good duet is "I'll Fly Away" by Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch. A duet I would love to hear is Joss Stone and Jonny Lang. They
both have such powerful voices.


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things about music memes is that it gives us an opportunity to hear about artists and tunes we've never heard before.

I totally agree with you about Joss Stone. She's very much like Janis Joplin -- everyone thought she was older and black also. She said she owed her voice to whiskey and smoking. Joss Stone isn't like Janis in personality but her style is similar. It's amazing that voice comes out of a cute, innocent looking, white, British teen.

I hadn't heard of Jonny Lang before but I just sampled his music on Amazon and you're right -- he has a very powerful voice. Jonny and Joss would be a great mix.

Thanks for Mambo'ing! I enjoyed the dance. *wink*

Russ said...

Thanks for commenting, Friday! Glad you like Jonny Lang after checking him out.

Webmiztris said...

mick jagger has a face for radio...that dude looks like he's decomposing right before our eyes!!