Friday, May 20, 2005

Tomorrow, all day, I'm going to the Willamette Valley Folk Music Festival. Good times! It's going on Sunday as well, until about six. I try to go and see the music at the festival every year. It's held at the University, so I was able to see it quite easily the years I was there. It was literally outside my living quarters. I've graduated, of course, but I will try to get there every year for the folk festival.

This year should be interesting. Taarka will be back, and I really love watching them. I hope I have a better view of the stage this year. Last year I had a good view - until the dancers showed up near the front. Another group that I'm eager to see is Aphrodesia. They're headlining Saturday night and their sound clips sound really great. But I am NOT buying a CD. I AM NOT! Another group I'm eager to see is the first band tomorrow, the Foghorn String Band. They're a high energy bluegrass group, and I highly enjoyed last year's set.

Other than those two groups, there are a lot of solo acts. I'm guessing most of them will bring an acoustic guitar. That should be interesting, because usually there's a better mix of solo acts and bands. As always, this festival is a way to see new and interesting music from people you've mostly never heard of before. It's a pure thing and I love it so much. It's all about the music, not about image or marketing. That's how it should be and that's how I prefer it.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sounds fun! I hope it is a good time! :-D *hugs*