Thursday, January 23, 2003

Hi everyone. Boy, I need to update this more often!!! Well, here is a this or that:

1. Super Bowl or World Series? Super Bowl, for the commercials.
2. Winter or summer? Summer, dog!!!
3. Look up numbers in the phone book, or call directory assistance? Look in the phone book. That's an experience that's just timeless, that you DON'T get from the net.
4. Mashed potatoes or French fries? I've always been a fries guy
5. Hand-code your website, or use an editor (such as Front Page)? Use an editor.
6. Freeway or winding country road? Winding country road!!
7. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star wars. Always liked Star Wars.
8. Disney or Warner Brothers cartoons? Disney, dog!!!
9. When it feels chilly in the house: crank up the heat or put on a sweater? Hmmm I guess the sweater would be easier.
10. CBS or PBS? PBS!! Better stuff to watch.

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